Michael Hannon, Chief Financial Officer, Salem Radiology, Salem, NH

Michael Hannon, Chief Financial Officer, Salem Radiology, Salem, NH

For a medical imaging business, other than medicine, there is no more mission critical process than billing and collections.  This also involves the increasingly complex bureaucratic and labor intensive tasks associated with physician credentialing and payor contracting. On all these matters, AdvantEdge has proven to be an invaluable partner.

- Michael Hannon, Chief Financial Officer, Salem Radiology, Salem, NH

AdvantEdge Healthcare Solutions

- Michael Hannon, Chief Financial Officer, Salem Radiology, Salem, NH

For a medical imaging business, other than medicine, there is no more mission critical process than billing and collections.  This also involves the increasingly complex bureaucratic and labor intensive tasks associated with physician credentialing and payor contracting. On all these matters, AdvantEdge has proven to be an invaluable partner.